April 7, 2022 | Developments in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse at DoD Facilities - Dr. Christopher Griggs, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
- Dr. Wei Liao, Michigan State University
March 24, 2022 | Parameterizing Munitions Mobility and Burial in Riverine Environments - Dr. Carter DuVal, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
March 10, 2022 | Fuel Characterization and Modeling for Understanding Fire Behavior on Military Lands - Mr. William Mell, U.S. Forest Service
- Dr. Susan Prichard, University of Washington
February 24, 2022 | Key Advances in Waste to Energy Demonstrations - Mr. Matthew Young, Trashology
- Mr. Neil Pearce, Eco Waste Solutions
February 10, 2022 | Quantifying Abiotic Transformation Rates and Mechanisms for Chlorinated Ethenes in Subsurface Environments - Dr. David Freedman, Clemson University
- Dr. Dimin Fan, Geosyntec Consultants
January 27, 2022 | Applying Cometabolism for Treatment of Traditional and Emerging Contaminants at DoD Sites - Dr. Paul Hatzinger, Aptim Federal Services, LLC
December 9, 2021 | Forensic Techniques for Differentiating PFAS Sources - Dr. Christopher Higgins, Colorado School of Mines
- Dr. David Sedlak, University of California, Berkeley
November 18, 2021 | Applying Open-Source Tools to Unlock Data and Optimize Building Operations - William Livingood, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Chris Battisti, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center
November 4, 2021 | Corrosion Mitigation and Predictive Analysis for DoD Weapons Systems - Capt. Brock Andrews, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
- Dr. Christine Sanders, Naval Research Laboratory
- Mr. Steve Policastro, Naval Research Laboratory
October 21, 2021 | Advances in Stormwater Monitoring and the Development of Best Management Practices for Treatment - Ms. Marienne Colvin, Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
- Dr. Richard Luthy, Stanford University
October 7, 2021 | Adapting to Changes in the Hydrologic Cycle under Non-Stationary Climate Conditions - Dr. Kenneth Kunkel, North Carolina State University/North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies
- Dr. Yonas Demissie, Washington State University
September 23, 2021 | Management of AFFF Impacts in Subsurface Environments and Assessment of Novel and Commercially Available PFAS-Free Foams (Part 2) - Mr. Joseph Quinnan, Arcadis
- Mr. Terence Reid, Aqua Aerobic Systems
- Dr. Timothy Long, Arizona State University
September 9, 2021 | Management of AFFF Impacts in Subsurface Environments and Assessment of Novel and Commercially Available PFAS-Free Foams (Part 1) - Dr. Ezra Cates, Clemson University
- Dr. John Payne, National Foam
August 5, 2021 | Improved Characterization, Monitoring and Management of Submerged Munitions in Marine Environments - Dr. Nina Stark, Virginia Tech
July 8, 2021 | Energetic Materials and Munitions - Dr. Jay C. Poret, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Dr. Anthony Shaw, U.S. Army ARDEC
- Dr. Andrew Ihnen, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
June 17, 2021 | Changes in Pathogen Exposure Pathways under Non-Stationary Conditions - Dr. Corinne Richards-Zawacki, University of Pittsburgh
- Dr. Brian Allan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
June 3, 2021 | PFAS Analytical Challenges and Opportunities - Janice L. Willey, Naval Sea Systems Command
- Dr. Jinxia Liu, McGill University
- Dr. Jennifer Field, Oregon State University
May 20, 2021 | Advancing Microgrid Solutions - Mr. David Altman, Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems
May 6, 2021 | Fate, Transport and Treatment of Munitions Constituents in Soil and Groundwater - Dr. Dominic Di Toro, University of Delaware
- Dr. Neil Bruce, University of York
April 22, 2021 | Innovative Approaches to Monitor and Survey At-Risk Species on DoD Lands - Mr. Patrick Wolff, USACE ERDC CERL
- Dr. J.D. Willson, University of Arkansas
- Dr. Brett A. DeGregorio, U.S. Geological Survey
April 8, 2021 | Advances in Understanding PFAS Ecological Risks - Dr. Marie Kurz, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
- Dr. Jamie Suski, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.
March 25, 2021 | Advancing Coating Systems for Army Tactical Assets: A Fred Lafferman Tribute Webinar - Dr. Robin Nissan, SERDP and ESTCP
- Mr. John Escarsega, DEVCOM Headquarters
- Mr. Jack Kelley, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
- Mr. Daniel Pope, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
March 11, 2021 | New Resource Conservation Paradigms on DoD Lands - Dr. David Lytle, Oregon State University
- Dr. Brian Hudgens, Institute for Wildlife Studies
February 25, 2021 | Managing Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater Using Biological Treatment - Dr. Shaily Mahendra, University of California, Los Angeles
- Mr. David Lippincott, APTIM Federal Services, LLC
February 11, 2021 | Advances in the Detection of Submerged Unexploded Ordnance in Marine Environments - Dr. Timothy Marston, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
January 28, 2021 | Improved Approaches for PFAS Sampling and Treatment - Dr. Graham Peaslee, University of Notre Dame
- Dr. Linda Lee, Purdue University
January 14, 2021 | Improving Energy Efficiency through Advanced Building Controls - Mr. Dave Vigliotta, Slipstream
- Dr. Xiaohui "Joe" Zhou, Slipstream
- Mr. Gwelen Paliaga, TRC
December 10, 2020 | Approaches for Managing Contaminated Sediments - Dr. Mandy Michalsen, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Mr. Gunther Rosen, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific
November 19, 2020 | Abiotic Degradation of Chlorinated Solvents in Subsurface Environments - Dr. Paul Tratnyek, Oregon Health & Science University
- Dr. Michelle Scherer, University of Iowa
November 5, 2020 | Changes in Pathogen Exposure Pathways under Non-Stationary Conditions and Their Implications for Wildlife and Human Exposure on Department of Defense Lands - Dr. Sarah Olson, Wildlife Conservation Society
October 22, 2020 | Managing Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Impacts to Subsurface Environments and Assessment of Commercially Available PFAS-Free Foams (Part 2) - Dr. Jinyong Liu, University of California, Riverside
- Mr. Jerry Back, Jensen Hughes, Inc.
October 8, 2020 | Managing Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Impacts to Subsurface Environments and Assessment of Commercially Available PFAS-Free Foams (Part 1) - Dr. Damian Helbling, Cornell University
- Dr. Satya Chauhan, Battelle Memorial Institute
September 24, 2020 | Munitions Mobility and Burial in Underwater Environments - Dr. Joseph Calantoni, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
September 10, 2020 | Reducing Hazardous Materials in Weapons Systems: Advances in Waterjet Applications and Cold Spray Technologies - Mr. Frank Campo and Mr. Mark Miller, U.S. Army Benet Laboratories
- Mr. Aaron Nardi, U.S. Army Research Laboratories
August 20, 2020 | Addressing Threatened and Endangered Species on DoD Lands - Dr. Liba Pejchar, Colorado State University
- Dr. Mark Davis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
July 23, 2020 | PFAS Fate, Transport and Treatment - Dr. Linda Abriola, Tufts University
- Dr. Timothy Strathmann, Colorado School of Mines
July 9, 2020 | Securing DoD Control Systems and Infrastructure from Cyber Threats - Mr. Billy Rios and Dr. Jonathan Butts, QED Secure Solutions
- Colin Dunn, Fend Incorporated
June 18, 2020 | Advances in the Treatment of 1,4-Dioxane in Mixed Contaminant Plumes - Dr. Bruce Rittmann, Arizona State University
- Dr. Jens Blotevogel, Colorado State University
June 4, 2020 | Waste Reduction and Treatment in Armed Forces Vessel Environments - Dr. Cari Dutcher, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
- Ms. Danielle Paynter, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division
May 21, 2020 | Analysis of Defense Related Ecosystem Services. - Dr. Nate McDowell, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Dr. Mark Borsuk, Duke University
May 7, 2020 | Innovative Technologies for PFAS Destruction in Investigation Derived Wastes - Brian Chaplin, University of Illinois
- Thomas Holsen, Clarkson University
April 23, 2020 | From Basic Research to a Prototype Towbody Platform: Progress on Underwater Unexploded Ordnance Remediation - Dr. Steven Kargl, University of Washington, Seattle
April 9, 2020 | Ecological Risk Assessment Approaches at PFAS-Impacted Sites - Maria Sepulveda, Purdue University
- Jason Conder, Geosyntec Consultants
March 26, 2020 | Long-Term Ecological Studies - Dr. Natalie Griffiths, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Dr. John Orrock, University of Wisconsin
March 12, 2020 | Applying Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis to Document Contaminant Degradation and Distinguish Sources |
February 27, 2020 | Advances in the Development of Environmentally Friendly Pyrotechnic and Propellant Formulations - Mr. Matthew Puszynski, Innovative Materials & Processes, LLC
- Mr. Mike Miller, Resodyn Corporation
February 6, 2020 | Battery Storage Resiliency Results from Installation Microgrid Simulations and Opportunities for Field Demonstration - Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Mr. Craig Schultz, ICF
December 12, 2019 | Monitoring and Remediating Groundwater Contaminated with Chlorinated Solvents - Dr. Steve Richardson, GSI Environmental, Inc.
- Dr. Craig Divine, ARCADIS
November 7, 2019 | SERDP and ESTCP PFAS Efforts - Dr. Andrea Leeson, SERDP and ESTCP
- Dr. Dave Major, Savron
October 31, 2019 | Developing and Demonstrating Non-Toxic and Sustainable Coating Systems for Military Platforms - Ms. Elizabeth Haslbeck, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
- Mr. John Escarsega, Mr. Fred Lafferman, Mr. Daniel Pope, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
October 24, 2019 | Advances in Managing Contaminated Groundwater Using High Resolution Site Characterization and Contaminant Mass Flux Reduction - Dr. Chin Man Mok, GSI Environmental Inc.
- Ms. Poonam Kulkarni, GSI Environmental Inc.
October 17, 2019 | Managing Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) Impacts to Subsurface Environments and Assessment of Commercially Available Fluorine-Free Foams - Dr. Michelle Crimi, Clarkson University
- Mr. Jerry Back, Jensen Hughes, Inc.
October 3, 2019 | Variation in Phenological Shifts: How do Annual Cycles and Genetic Diversity Constrain or Enable Responses to Climate Change? - Dr. Julie Heath, Boise State University
- Mr. Jason Winiarski, Boise State University
September 19, 2019 | Life Cycle Assessment and Developmental Environment Safety and Occupational Health Evaluation: Tools for Sustainment and Health - Mr. Brian Hubbard, Joint Program Executive Office Armaments and Ammunition, U.S. Army
- Dr. Andrew Henderson, Noblis
September 5, 2019 | The Use of Advanced Molecular Biological Tools in Groundwater Contaminated with Chlorinated Solvents - Dr. Alison Cupples, Michigan State University
- Dr. Mandy Michalsen, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Dr. Kate Kucharzyk, Battelle Memorial Institute
August 22, 2019 | Pacific Island Ecology and Management: Recovery of Native Plant Communities Following Removal of Non-Native Species - Dr. Jeffrey Foster, Northern Arizona University
- Dr. Christina Liang, USDA Forest Service
August 8, 2019 | Building Energy and Water Efficiency Solutions - Dr. Frank Johnson, Gas Technology Institute
- Dr. Chris Martin, University of North Dakota
July 25, 2019 | Understanding Underwater Munitions Mobility and Behavior on the Beach Face and in Shallow Muddy Environments - Dr. Jack Puleo, University of Delaware
- Dr. Arthur Trembanis, University of Delaware
- Dr. Carter DuVal, University of Delaware
July 11, 2019 | Vapor Intrusion: Modeling Tools and Cost Effective Mitigation - Dr. Eric Suuberg, Brown University
- Dr. Todd McAlary, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.
June 20, 2019 | Developing Adaptation Strategies to Address Climate Change and Uncertainty - Dr. Yonas Demissie, Washington State University
- Dr. Mark Wigmosta, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
June 6, 2019 | Developing and Demonstrating Non-Toxic and Sustainable Coating Systems for Military Platforms - Dr. Erick Iezzi, Naval Research Laboratory
May 23, 2019 | Treatment Options for the Emerging Contaminants 1,2,3-Trichloropropane and 1,2-Dibromoethane - Dr. Paul Hatzinger, APTIM Federal Services
- Dr. Paul Koster van Groos, APTIM Federal Services
May 9, 2019 | Roles of Soil Microbial Communities in Ecosystem Restoration - Dr. James Bever, University of Kansas
- Dr. Nichole Barger, University of Colorado
April 25, 2019 | Accelerated Corrosion and Ageing Studies - Dr. Jim Dante, Southwest Research Institute
- Dr Victor Rodriguez-Santiago, Naval Air Systems Command
April 11, 2019 | Managing Contaminated Sediments: Passive Sampling Methods and In Situ Treatment - Dr. Rainer Lohmann, University of Rhode Island
- Dr. Kevin Sowers, University of Maryland
March 14, 2019 | Determining the Temporal and Spatial Scales of Non-Stationarity in Temperature and Precipitation across the Continental U.S. - Dr. Daniel Feldman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Dr. Xixi Wang, Old Dominion University
February 21, 2019 | Utilization of Advanced Conservation Voltage Reduction for Energy Reduction on DoD Installations - Dr. Cyrus Jabbari, Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
- Mr. Bruce Ensley, Dominion Voltage, Inc.
February 7, 2019 | The REMChlor-MD Groundwater Transport and Remediation Model for Sites with Matrix Diffusion - Dr. Ron Falta, Clemson University
- Dr. Charles Newell, GSI Environmental, Inc.
November 15, 2018 | Stormwater Impacts on Sediment Recontamination - Ms. Amy Hawkins, Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
- Dr. Danny Reible, Texas Tech University
November 1, 2018 | Supporting DoD Installation Sustainability Through Informed Stormwater Management - Dr. Billy Johnson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ERDC)
- Ms. Heidi Howard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ERDC-CERL)
October 18, 2018 | Restoration of Chlorinated Solvent Contaminated Groundwater Sites: The Value of Information Challenge - Dr. Michael C. Kavanaugh, Geosyntec Consultants
- Dr. David A. Reynolds, Geosyntec Consultants
- Dr. Kevin G. Mumford, Queen’s University
October 4, 2018 | Managing Groundwater Impacts at Chlorinated Solvent Sites - Dr. Andrea Leeson, SERDP and ESTCP
- Mr. Evan Cox, Geosyntec Consultants
September 20, 2018 | Plant Diversity and Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems at Military Installations - Dr. Nina Wurzburger, University of Georgia
- Dr. Joseph O'Brien, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station
September 6, 2018 | Informing Restoration Programs for Threatened and Endangered Plant Species - Dr. Erin Questad, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
- Mr. Matthew Hohmann, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
August 23, 2018 | Sediment Volume Search Sonar Development - Mr. Daniel Brown, Pennsylvania State University
August 9, 2018 | Energy Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Systems for Forward Operating DoD Installations - Dr. Kathryn Guy, U.S. Army ERDC-CERL
- Dr. Pat Evans, CDM Smith
July 12, 2018 | Innovative Low Cost Building Automation Sensors and Controls - Mr. Julian Lamb, Paragon Robotics
- Dr. Michael Brambley, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
June 28, 2018 | Managing Sites Impacted by 1,4-Dioxane: New Developments in Molecular Tools and Conceptual Site Models - Dr. Pedro Alvarez, Rice University
- Dr. David Adamson, GSI Environmental
June 14, 2018 | Approaches to Managing Threatened, Endangered and At-Risk Bird Species - Dr. Richard Fischer, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
- Dr. Brandt Ryder, Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center
May 31, 2018 | Environmentally Sustainable Manufacturing for Energetic Formulations - Dr. Andrew Nelson, Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division
- Dr. Eric Beckel, U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
May 3, 2018 | The Defense Coastal Estuarine Research Program (DCERP): Enhancing Ecosystem-Based Management at a Coastal Installation - Dr. Patricia Cunningham, RTI International
- Dr. Susan Cohen, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center
April 5, 2018 | Advanced Nanocrystalline Alloys as Alternatives for Repair and Replacement of High Wear Parts - Dr. Jonathan McCrea, Integran Technologies, Inc.
- Dr. Alan Grieve, U.S. Naval Air Systems Command
March 22, 2018 | Cloud Computing Services for DoD: We Are Going to The Cloud! - Dr. Michael Chipley, The PMC Group LLC
- Mr. Ken Kurz, Corporate Office Properties Trust
March 8, 2018 | Quantifying and Modeling Fugitive Dust Emissions from DoD Activities - Dr. Larry Wagner, USDA Agricultural Research Service
- Dr. Jack Gillies, Desert Research Institute
February 8, 2018 | Improved Methods to Evaluate Aerial Emissions and Develop Pollutant Emissions Factors - Dr. Brian Gullett, United States Environmental Protection Agency
- Dr. Kevin L. McNesby, United States Army Research Laboratory
December 7, 2017 | Management of Novel Hawaiian Ecosystems - Dr. Susan Cordell, USDA Forest Service
- Dr. Rebecca Ostertag, University of Hawaii at Hilo
November 16, 2017 | Building Envelope Technologies - Dr. Ralph Muehleisen, Argonne National Laboratory
- Mr. Curtis Harrington, Western Cooling Efficiency Center, University of California, Davis
November 2, 2017 | Platforms for Underwater and Near-Shore Munitions Surveys - Dr. Dan Steinhurst, Nova Research, Inc.
- Dr. Greg Schultz, White River Technologies
October 19, 2017 | Laser De-Paint and Surface Preparation Mechanism and Technologies - Mr. Tom Naguy, USAF Wright-Patterson AFB
- Dr. Adrian Sabau, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
October 5, 2017 | New Resource Conservation Insights to Desert Environments - Dr. David Lytle, Oregon State University
- Dr. Christopher Castro, University of Arizona
September 7, 2017 | Research and Development Needs for Management of DoD's PFAS Contaminated Sites - Ms. Maureen Sullivan, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health
- Dr. Andrea Leeson, SERDP and ESTCP
- Dr. David Sedlak, University of California, Berkeley
August 17, 2017 | Zinc Nickel Dip and Brush Plating - Mr. Thomas Naguy, USAF Wright-Patterson AFB
- Mr. Craig Pessetto, ES3
- Mr. Randall Straw, Air Force Materiel Command
July 27, 2017 | Management of Energetic and Propellant Material Releases on Testing and Training Ranges - Dr. Elizabeth Ferguson, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
- Dr. Neil Bruce, University of York, United Kingdom
June 29, 2017 | Future Vulnerabilities to Alaskan Ecosystems and Tools for Permafrost Assessment - Dr. Michelle Mack, Northern Arizona University
- Mr. Kevin Bjella, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
June 15, 2017 | Coupling Geothermal Heat Pumps with Underground Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage - Mr. Charles Hammock, Andrews, Hammock & Powell, Inc.
June 1, 2017 | Classification of Military Munitions using Electromagnetic Induction Data - Dr. Dean Keiswetter, Acorn SI
May 18, 2017 | High-Resolution Site Characterization at Chlorinated Solvents Sites - Mr. Murray Einarson, Haley and Aldrich
- Dr. Andrew Jackson, Texas Tech University
May 4, 2017 | Novel Coatings Systems for Use as High Performance Chemical Resistant Powder Topcoats - Mr. Mark Wytiaz, The Sherwin-Williams Company
- Dr. James Wynne, Naval Research Laboratory
- Dr. Beth Ann Pearson, The Sherwin-Williams Company
April 20, 2017 | Solutions for Installations' Participation in Energy Markets - Mr. Kevin Meagher, Power Analytics
- Mr. Jim Boch, IP Keys
April 6, 2017 | 1,4-Dioxane Impacts and Innovative Cleanup Technologies at DoD Contaminated Sites - Dr. Hunter Anderson, U.S. Air Force Civil Engineer Center
- Dr. Shaily Mahendra, University of California, Los Angeles
- Dr. Robert Hinchee, Integrated Science and Technology
March 23, 2017 | Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Environmental Risks Posed by Munitions Constituents in Aquatic Systems - Dr. Todd Bridges, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
- Dr. Gui Lotufo, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
- Mr. Gunther Rosen, SPAWAR Systems Center
March 9, 2017 | Award Winning Projects: Environmental Restoration - Dr. Andy Martin, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
- Dr. Steven Larson, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
February 23, 2017 | Award Winning Projects: Resource Conservation and Resiliency "Hydroecology of Intermittent and Ephemeral Streams - Will Landscape Connectivity Sustain Aquatic Organisms in a Changing Climate?" - Dr. Julian Olden, University of Washington
- Dr. David Lytle, Oregon State University
February 9, 2017 | Award Winning Projects: Munitions Response "Decision Support Tools for Munitions Response Performance Prediction and Risk Assessment" - Dr. Laurens Beran, Black Tusk Geophysics
January 26, 2017 | Award Winning Projects: Weapons Systems and Platforms - Mr. Greg Kilchenstein, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Mr. Marcio Duffles, MDS Coating Technologies
- Mr. Stephen Gaydos, The Boeing Company
January 12, 2017 | Award Winning Projects: Energy and Water - Mr. Michael West, Advantek Consulting
- Ms. Cara Brill, FirstFuel Software
December 15, 2016 | Advances in the Assessment and In Situ treatment of Contaminated Sediments - Mr. Gunther Rosen, SPAWAR Systems Center
- Dr. Bart Chadwick, SPAWAR Systems Center
November 3, 2016 | Bioavailability of Contaminants in Soils - Dr. Hans Stroo, SERDP and ESTCP
- Ms. Yvette Lowney, Alloy LLC
- Dr. Nicholas Basta, The Ohio State University
October 20, 2016 | DoD Decision Making and Climate Change - Dr. Richard Moss, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Dr. Casey Brown, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
October 6, 2016 | Cyber Security and its Impacts on Installation Energy Management - Dr. Michael Chipley (The PMC Group LLC)
- Mr. Kevin Jordan (Resurgo, LLC)
- Dr. Daniel Quinlan (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
September 22, 2016 | Managing the Brown Treesnake Headache: Assessment of the Aerial Acetaminophen Bait Drop on Guam - Dr. Brian Dorr (USDA/WS/National Wildlife Research Center)
September 8, 2016 | Assessment of Redox-Based Groundwater Remediation Technologies - Dr. Paul Tratnyek (Oregon Health & Science University)
- Dr. Richard Johnson (Oregon Health & Science University)
August 11, 2016 | An Environmentally Acceptable Alternative for Fast Cook-off Testing, Demonstration, Validation and Implementation Efforts - Dr. David Hubble (Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division)
- Dr. Ephraim Washburn (Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division)
July 28, 2016 | Geophysics 101 – Realistic expectations for geophysics when used for site characterization and remediation monitoring - Part 2 - Dr. Lee Slater (Rutgers University)
- Dr. Judy Robinson (Rutgers University)
- Ms. Carole Johnson (United States Geological Survey)
- Dr. Fred Day-Lewis (United States Geological Survey)
July 14, 2016 | Remote Methods for Water Conservation - Ms. Kathryn Ostapuk (Regulatory Affairs, Navy Region Southwest)
- Mr. Gary Anguiano (Environmental Security Technology Development Branch, NAVFAC)
June 30, 2016 | Geophysics 101 – Realistic expectations for geophysics when used for site characterization and remediation monitoring - Part 1 - Dr. Lee Slater (Rutgers University)
- Dr. Judy Robinson (Rutgers University)
- Ms. Carole Johnson (United States Geological Survey)
- Dr. Fred Day-Lewis (United States Geological Survey)
June 16, 2016 | Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for Advanced Geophysical Classification Investigations – Part 2 - Dr. Jordan Adelson (Navy Laboratory Quality and Accreditation Office)
- Dr. William (Ed) Corl (Navy Laboratory Quality and Accreditation Office)
June 2, 2016 | Insensitive Munitions: Environmental Health Criteria, Fate and Transport - Dr. Mark S. Johnson (U.S. Army Public Health Center)
- Dr. Katerina Dontsova (University of Arizona, Tucson)
- Dr. Jim A. Field (University of Arizona, Tucson)
May 19, 2016 | Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for Advanced Geophysical Classification Investigations - Part 1 - Dr. Jordan Adelson (Director of the Navy Laboratory Quality and Accreditation Office)
- Dr. William (Ed) Corl (Deputy Director of the Navy Laboratory Quality and Accreditation Office)
May 5, 2016 | Cost Effective and Resilient Building-Scale Microgrid Solutions for Increased Energy Security - Mr. Ryan Faries (Raytheon)
- Mr. John Saussele (Bosch)
April 21, 2016 | Long Term Monitoring Issues at Chlorinated Solvent Sites - Dr. Ron Falta (Clemson University)
- Ms. Poonam Kulkarni and Dr. Thomas McHugh (GSI Environmental)
April 7, 2016 | Use of Climate Information for Decision Making and Impacts Research: State of our Understanding - Dr. Rao Kotamarthi (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Dr. Linda Mearns (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
- Dr. Katharine Hayhoe (Texas Tech University)
- Dr. Christopher Castro (University of Arizona)
- Dr. Donald Wuebbles (University of Illinois)
March 24, 2016 | Cadmium and Chromate Elimination Efforts: Implementation Plans and Strategic Roadmaps for Three DoD Depots |
February 25, 2016 | Recent Advances in the Classification of Underwater Munitions near a Water-Sediment Boundary - Dr. Aubrey España (University of Washington)
- Dr. Tim Marston (University of Washington)
February 11, 2016 | Chromate/Hazardous Material Free Coating Systems for Military Aircraft and Ground Support Equipment - Ms. Julia Russell (Naval Air Systems Command)
- Ms. Brenna Lynn Skelley (Naval Air Systems Command)
- Mr. Michael Spicer (U.S. Air Force Coatings Technology and Integration Office)
January 28, 2016 | Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs): Analytical and Characterization Frontiers - Dr. Stephen TerMaath (Air Force Civil Engineer Center)
- Dr. Jennifer Field (Oregon State University)
- Dr. Chris Higgins (Colorado School of Mines)
January 14, 2016 | Vapor Intrusion: Regulatory Update and Advances in Assessment Tools - Dr. Helen Dawson (Geosyntec Consultants)
- Dr. Todd McAlary (Geosyntec Consultants)
December 17, 2015 | Watershed Assessment and Stormwater Management Optimization Tools - Dr. David Goodrich (USDA – Agricultural Research Service)
- Ms. Heidi Howard (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory)
December 3, 2015 | Emerging Contaminants: DoD Overview and State of Knowledge on Fluorochemicals and 1,4-Dioxane - Mr. Paul Yaroschak (Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense – Energy, Installations & Environment)
- Dr. Jennifer Field (Oregon State University)
- Dr. Pat Evans (CDM Smith)
November 12, 2015 | Munitions Response: Land Based Program Closeout - Mr. David Wright (CH2M HILL)
- Mr. John Jackson (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento)
- Mr. Doug Maddox (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
October 29, 2015 | Assessment and Treatment of Contaminated Sediments - Dr. Todd Bridges (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center)
- Dr. Kevin Sowers (University of Maryland)
October 15, 2015 | LED-ing the Way: Sophisticated and Energy Efficient Exterior Lighting Systems for DoD Installations - Dr. Saifur Rahman (Advanced Research Institute, Virginia Tech)
- Dr. Satyen Mukherjee (Retired from Phillips Research, North America)
October 1, 2015 | Hexavalent Chrome Elimination from Hard Chrome Surface Finishing - Dr. Jonathan McCrea (Integran Technologies)
- Mr. Jack Benfer and Mr. Ruben Prado (Naval Air Systems Command)
September 17, 2015 | Munitions Response: Underwater Geophysical Sensors - Dr. Mark Prouty (Geometrics, Inc.)
- Dr. Thomas Bell (Leidos Corporation)
August 20, 2015 | Characterization and Remediation in Fractured Rock Environments - Dr. Charles Schaefer (CDM Smith)
- Dr. Lee Slater (Rutgers University)
July 16, 2015 | Sustainable Pyrotechnics: Flares and Projectiles - Dr. Eric Miklaszewski (Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division, IN)
- Dr. Jared Moretti (U.S. Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ)
May 28, 2015 | New Tools for Characterizing and Remediating Munitions and Energetics at Military Ranges - Dr. Thomas Jenkins (Thomas Jenkins Environmental Consulting)
- Dr. Paul Hatzinger (CB&I Federal Services)
May 7, 2015 | Factors Affecting Munitions Mobility Underwater and In Situ Measurements - Dr. Carl Friedrichs (Virginia Institute of Marine Science)
- Dr. Joseph Calantoni (Naval Research Laboratory)
April 16, 2015 | Blast Noise Measurements and Community Response - Mr. Jeffrey Allanach (Applied Physical Sciences Corporation)
- Dr. Edward Nykaza (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center)
March 26, 2015 | Innovative Tools for Species Inventory, Monitoring, and Management - Dr. Caren Goldberg (Washington State University)
- Dr. Lisette Waits (University of Idaho)
March 19, 2015 | Quantitative Framework and Management Expectation Tool for the Selection of Bioremediation Approaches at Chlorinated Solvent Sites - Ms. Carmen Lebrón (Private Consultant)
- Dr. John Wilson (Scissortail Environmental Solutions, LLC)
March 5, 2015 | Understanding and Mitigating the Risks Associated with Lead-Free Electronics - Dr. Peter Borgesen (Binghamton University, The State University of New York)
- Dr. Stephan Meschter (BAE Systems)
February 19, 2015 | Raise the Roof: Increased Rooftop Solar Efficiency Beyond Flat Panel PV - Ms. Deborah Jelen (Electricore, Inc.)
- Mr. John Archibald (American Solar)
February 5, 2015 | Acoustic Methods for Underwater Munitions - Dr. Joseph Bucaro (EXCET, Inc. and the Naval Research Laboratory)
- Dr. Kevin Williams (Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington)
January 22, 2015 | Bio-Based Methodologies for the Production of Environmentally Sustainable Materials - Dr. Andrew Guenthner (Air Force Research Laboratory, Aerospace Systems Directorate)
- Dr. Benjamin Harvey (Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division)
- Dr. John La Scala (U.S. Army Research Laboratory)
January 8, 2015 | DNAPL Source Zone Management Approaches - Dr. Paul Johnson (Arizona State University)
- Dr. Charles Newell (GSI Environmental)
December 18, 2014 | Energy Audits: From Clipboard to Cloud - Oliver Davis (concept3D, Inc.)
- Cara Brill (FirstFuel)
December 4, 2014 | Waste to Energy Options for Base Camps: Efficient Tar Management and Rotary Kiln Gasification - Mr. Leigh Knowlton (U.S. Army Natick Soldier RD&E Center, Development and Engineering Center)
- Mr. Patrick Scott (Lockheed Martin)
- Mr. Steven Cosper (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory)
November 20, 2014 | New Tools for Improving the Management of Contaminated Sediment Sites - Dr. Philip Gschwend (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Dr. Bart Chadwick (SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific)
November 6, 2014 | New Tools for Advancing Our Understanding of Marine Mammal Behavioral Ecology - Dr. Patrick Miller (St. Andrews University)
- Dr. Kelly Benoit-Bird (Oregon State University)
October 30, 2014 | Key Advances in Vapor Intrusion Assessments at Contaminated Sites - Dr. Thomas McHugh (GSI Environmental)
- Dr. Paul Johnson (Arizona State University)