
Modern unexploded ordnance (UXO) search technologies that can comprehensively digitally map magnetic or electromagnetic anomalies associated with individual ordnance items have not been effectively demonstrated for application to wetlands or marine areas deeper than 30 ft. The objective of this project is to demonstrate an integrated deep-water sensor platform suitable for munitions detection in water depths up to 100 ft. The system will be capable of detecting medium and large ordnance with adequate horizontal positioning for routine reacquisition by explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) divers.

MTA sensor tracks superimposed over dipole model for target number 369 from Duck site.

Technology Description

The Deep Water Munitions Detection System will use Cesium vapor magnetometers configured with a 1.0-m horizontal spacing to detect UXO. The towing method is a two-fish system with the first fish being a navigational fish containing an inertial navigation system (INS) aided by a Doppler velocity log (DVL), side scan sonar, video camera, lights, and an autopilot system. The second fish is the magnetometer tow fish housing three Cesium vapor magnetometers, as well as depth, pitch, and roll sensors. Power and communications between the top-side vessel and the bottom-side tow fish will be accomplished via a fiber-optic cable with embedded power conductors and strain relief. The demonstration will target single isolated medium munitions (i.e., torpedoes, 3- and 5-in. rockets), small bombs (i.e., BDU-33s), and all large munitions.

Implementation Issues

This technology will provide the Department of Defense the capability to conduct wide area assessment and comprehensive munitions detection surveys in water up to 100-ft depth. Accurate positioning data along with the magnetometer data will provide sea floor magnetic contour maps and provide accurate data inversions yielding target parameters, including location, size, and depth. Side scan sonar will produce sonar images of all the area to be covered, providing supporting information.