
This project aims to develop and deliver advanced ecosystem inventory and monitoring techniques within the concept space of the Department of Defense's (DoD) Innovation Landscapes. This project will focus its efforts on 1) the development and validation of terrestrial laser scanning-based metrics and modeling, and 2) the incorporation and demonstration of the Interagency Ecosystem LiDAR Monitoring (IntELiMon) in selected Innovation Landscapes. 

Through collaborative efforts, related projects, and continued funding this project aims to demonstrate its use as part of an Innovation Landscape approach, providing data that captures fine-scale three-dimensional (3D) characteristics to feed into other coarser-scale data (aerial laser scanning data) and demonstrations, such as 3D fuel landscape models (FASTFUELS) and new coupled-fire atmosphere models (QUIC-Fire, BurnPro3D).

Technology Description

IntELiMon utilizes the Leica BLK360 to capture detailed 3D scans of forested areas quickly and consistently (Figure 1) and allows technicians of varying experience levels to obtain accurate, unbiased data at discrete points across landscapes, that can then be used as training data for wall-to-wall fuel modeling. Data post-processing is automated to provide interpretable results for managers.

Example of one 360° terrestrial laser scan as output by the IntELiMon system, illustrating how trees are located, identified, then measured for diameter and height (left), canopy cover (top right), and then removed to estimate understory or surface % cover vegetation and fuels (bottom right).


This project seeks to revolutionize ecosystem monitoring on DoD lands by demonstrating a rapid, accurate, and consistent approach using terrestrial laser scanning technology. By assessing its performance, ease of use, and limitations, this project aims to enhance long-term ecosystem management programs and support sustainable natural resource conservation. This work could prove to be especially beneficial across DoD Sentinel Landscapes. (Anticipated Project Completion - 2025)