This project will continue the demonstration and refinement of MetalMapper as part of the live site demonstrations. Along with demonstrating the technology, Geometrics will assist production firms in data collection and processing associated with the MetalMapper system in an effort to develop the optimal procedures for use of this technology in the production environment. Finally, this work will continue efforts to build stakeholder acceptance of classification and discrimination of anomalies at remediation sites contaminated with unexploded ordnance (UXO).
Technology Description
Originally developed and demonstrated under ESTCP project MR-200603, MetalMapper is a time-domain electromagnetic (TEM) system consisting of three orthogonal transmitter coils and seven triaxial receiver cubes, each measuring all three components of the target's magnetic field response. MetalMapper is one of a few instruments developed that has the ability not only to detect metal objects underground, but also to identify sufficient characteristics of the objects to perform a classification of the target. A repeatable methodology has been established for gathering and analyzing data that will be refined in this project to ensure accurate results from the decision-making process.