This project has three primary objectives. The first is to develop a dynamic and interactive training tool for increasing the abilities of DoD site management professionals in assessing the monitoring requirements of remedial systems implemented in source zones in complex environments. The second is to formulate the tool such that end-users develop increased expertise in the transition from active to passive remediation and management. Lastly, the project aspires to construct a learning system that provides a method to prioritize data collection to support decisions on alternate remedial strategies. The key intended end-users of the project deliverables are DoD remedial project managers (RPMs) and early-career phase contaminated site specialists.
Technology Description
This project will design and develop an interactive online training tool (TEMPO – Training for Environmental Monitoring Performance Optimization) that will focus on teaching its users the methodology and science behind monitoring, critical performance indicators and metrics, inherent uncertainty in field-acquired data, the differences in investigation and monitoring approaches, and the design and assessment of monitoring systems. TEMPO will include a graphical user interface (GUI) built around the virtual site datasets (VSDs) and simulated investigation tools developed in SERDP project ER-2313, as well as additional VSDs generated for this project. The GUI will allow users to select one of two training modules (Site Investigation and Long Term Monitoring), select from the 7 VSDs, and then be presented with a map interface that uses Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology. TEMPO will load or generate “pop-up” reports that provide users with VSD data. These reports, along with images of “deployed” items, can be exported and saved for future use.
Although DoD will meet program goals at a large number of contaminated sites, there will remain a substantial number of sites that will require long term management strategies to ensure that any remedy for groundwater contamination remains protective. TEMPO will enhance the ability of DoD RPMs to address the technical and institutional challenges at these long term management sites. The proposed extension of SERDP project ER-2313 into application of value of information concepts through this learning module will increase the potential for significant life cycle savings for those complex sites where restoration cannot be achieved in a reasonable time frame, and long term management is the only justifiable option. Development and implementation of a tool for improving the ability of DoD site management personnel to design and review long term management programs, as well as providing a training instrument for broader education of the next generation of contaminated site specialists, will have a direct positive impact on the cost to complete (CTC) for DoD. (Anticipated Completion: 2023)