The objective of this proposal is to provide an optimized set of information and tools for installations and energy support organizations to improve the transfer of energy conservation and efficiency technology from ESTCP demonstration/validation to deployment on installations. The information and tools will enable DoD infrastructure managers to quickly identify validated technology capable of solving installation-specific challenges, obtain funding support, and procure the technology. Installation-focused fact sheets, model DoD Form 1391s (DD 1391) for selected technologies, tools for calculating compliant life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), performance-based specifications to support procurement, Service-unique requirements (such as the Navy’s energy return on investment [eROI] tool), and educational outreach to key stakeholders will be developed.
Technology Description
The proposed effort focuses on two key communities: installations and energy support centers. It isdesigned to provide optimized information and tools for the base energy manager, Directorate Public Works (DPW), and Base Civil Engineer (BCE) to facilitate constructing the necessary analysis and documents to request funding and to procure the technology. The proposed effort also will improve the capability of the Services’ energy support centers to validate funding requests and support technology procurement. There is a complex process for inserting technologies into installation infrastructure, as illustrated by the multiple DoD and Service-level governing documents. Numerous personnel in a large number of organizations are intimately involved with infrastructure development, management, funding, and technology integration. The current technology transfer system is large and complex, with multiple potential avenues, roadblocks, and pitfalls for injecting innovative technology. The products developed in this proposed effort will overcome these barriers and streamline the adoption of innovative energy conservation and efficiency technologies.
While the energy managers at installations are crucial to successful technology transfer, they are oftenunaware of new, validated technologies from ESTCP. Short written products designed for installationsand tested with representative energy managers, DPW, and BCE will be generated. Short standardwebinars will be produced for this same audience. The network of Service subject matter experts (SMEs)for installation energy technology classes will be identified and connected to ESTCP. Through thisnetwork and existing Service communication methods ranging from ETLs, ECBs, and websites toperiodic publications (e.g., the Army Installation Management Command’s “Public Works Digest”3, “AirForce Civil Engineer”4) these products will be disseminated.
The next barrier to overcome is the effort and information required to request funds for an innovativetechnology, either alone or as part of a larger project. Whether it is for ECIP, SRM, or O&M funds, theinstallation must generate a DD 1391 and provide a cost analysis using the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) life cycle cost analysis. This is a recognized barrier even for conventional technologies and nearly an impossible hurdle without support for an innovative technology. DD 1391 templates and simple Excel programs will be developed for ESTCP technologies to allow installation personnel to simply and accurately meet these requirements. The proposed technology transfer approach is focused only on those energy conservation and efficiency technologies that have been demonstrated and validated by ESTCP.
This technology transfer effort is conducted by Noblis and Southern Research Institute (SRI) in fourmajor tasks, portions of which run concurrently. Task 1 is the assessment of ESTCP energy conservation and efficiency projects. Task 2 is the development of technology transition support products, and Task 3 is the multifaceted outreach effort to initially establish buy-in and ultimately convey the developed materials to the end-user communities. Task 4 is the project management task and consists of providing monthly financial reports, quarterly progress reports and in person interim and final briefings to ESTCP.
Implementation Issues
DoD spends approximately $4 billion per year on the energy required to power its installations.Significant cost reductions are possible through the use of innovative, cost-effective technologies. The ESTCP investment in energy technologies will only provide a return on its investment if they are successfully transitioned onto installations and reduce the annual energy costs.
The goal of ESTCP is not to transition the maximum number of technologies but to have the maximum number of successful transitions—it is better to transition one technology to 100 buildings than 10 technologies to one building each. As in any research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) program, only a subset of tested technologies are expected to be successful. It is through the widespread transition of that subset across all the Services and onto multiple installations with the ultimate goal of improving DoD facility energy performance. The three dominant loads in DoD buildings are HVAC, lighting, and plug loads. Modest reductions in these of 20% to 30% could yield savings of a billion dollars a year.