The key technical objective of this technology transfer effort was to develop and present training that provides practical information and guidance concerning the application of stable isotope technology for environmental remediation and forensic applications at Department of Defense (DoD) sites. The primary audience for this training is DoD Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) and environmental scientists as well as state and federal regulators and environmental consultants working at DoD facilities. The training was presented online and in person through a number of different venues. One of the training sessions is available on YouTube and is embedded below.
Technical Approach

This short course provided training on the use of CSIA and covered the following topics:
- Fundamentals of CSIA
- Applications
- Documenting cVOC degradation
- Parent cVOCs
- Daughter products
- Source Discrimination - vapor intrusion
- Other chemicals of concern
- 1,4-Dioxane
- 1,2-Dibromoethane
- Perchlorate
- Documenting cVOC degradation
Project Summary
Stable isotope methods can help address many questions for RPMs at military sites (e.g., monitored natural attenuation assessment, source delineation, determining field degradation rates), and there are commercial, academic, and/or government laboratories (based on isotope and compound) that can perform the requisite analyses. However, these methods are presently underutilized. This training provides DoD RPMs as well as consultants and regulators, with a practical background on the applications of stable isotopes at DoD sites. Ideally, this knowledge will lead to increased and appropriate use of this technology at field sites to improve cost efficiency of future monitoring and remediation applications. (Project Completion - 2021)