The overarching technical objective for this project is to produce a repository of historical Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) projects (in the environmental restoration field) that can serve as a robust foundation for a wide variety of future projects addressing identified critical and high priority needs of the Department of Defense (DoD). This repository would provide significant technology transfer of potentially underutilized previous projects, as well as put in place a framework for improving the dissemination of results into the future.
Technology Description
This project will develop a document-orientated database to assimilate qualitative information from the SERDP and ESTCP reports. A novel “expert system” approach that entails data mining leading to the development of a multi-tiered, searchable interface with embedded attributes for SERDP and ESTCP critical and high priority needs will be at the core of the database.
The project will showcase past SERDP and ESTCP effects and allow future projects to harness the compiled data and decrease the duplicative level of effort experienced across many current projects requiring the use of past project data. The outcome will provide DoD site managers with a platform from which to assess current remediation efforts to 25 years of past efforts. (Anticipated Project Completion - 2025)