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The objective of this study is to facilitate the rapid implementation of Department of Defense (DoD)-wide nontactical vehicle (NTV) fleet electrification by providing installation stakeholders with a planning framework and a solution set that minimizes costs while improving installation resilience. To achieve this objective, the project team will conduct tabletop planning exercises at one Army and one Navy installation where the project team will:
The Engineer Research & Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory will partner with the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center and industry experts to address the installation-level impacts of electrification of the DoD NTV fleet. A tabletop exercise at one Army, and one Navy installation will allow the team to have boots-on-the-ground information about how the NTV fleets are used, and to identify potential roadblocks to electrification. The development of a process for collaboration with all installation stakeholders and methods for overcoming roadblocks to successful execution, will ensure that DoD can swiftly transition their NTV fleet.
This effort will investigate current installation NTV use cases, how NTV fleet electrification is being coordinated and executed at the installation level, recommended approaches to navigate installation-level roadblocks with a coordinated planning approach, and innovative strategies and options to the existing electric vehicle and electric vehicle supply equipment(EVSE) solutions set that help optimize performance, stakeholder engagement, economics, and resilience.
The expected benefit of this study will be the ability to provide DoD Headquarters Staff and supporting Commands with information that will assist in the effective roll out of electric NTV fleet vehicles to meet clean energy goals established in Executive Order 14008 and Executive Order 14057. The Fleet Electrification Tabletop Planning Exercises and outcomes will result in a planning template that will enable installation stakeholders to circumvent potential roadblocks and avoid unnecessary cost impacts associated with electrification of their NTV fleet. The exercises will also have access to real-world examples and a potential solution set of innovative EVSE options that optimize performance, economics, and resilience.