
This project will develop rapid, consistent, and rigorous methodologies for assessing greenhouse gases (GHG), embodied carbon, and material costs for Department of Defense (DoD) building materials. Specific tasks include:

  • Identifying specific technologies, building materials and processes, demolition and material recycling approaches of greatest interest to the DoD based on current and past funding and research;
  • Identifying technical information for each critical technology or process to enable life cycle GHG and embodied emissions values as well as material costs;
  • Identifying any DoD-specific metrics needed in addition to existing Boundless metrics that align with criteria specifically associated with the DoD Climate Strategies, such as Executive Order 14057;
  • Modifying the existing Boundless tool, which provides a standardized approach to life cycle assessment and embodied carbon calculation utilizing International Organization for Standardization 14040/14064 standards as a platform, standardized emission factors, and peer reviewed scientific literature to calculate all relevant metrics for technologies of interest to assess life cycle GHG emissions and embodied emissions;
  • Reviewing and identifying current business as usual (BAU) practices for military installation construction and decommissioning, and comprehensively assessing the BAU GHG footprint through market-relevant metrics and indicators, and DoD impact metrics;
  • Implementing Boundless rapid life cycle assessment methodology for several building materials of interest;
  • Developing assessment reports for example building materials in the DoD construction and building sector that demonstrate the ability to assess multiple similar technologies, and presenting the assessments such that direct comparisons can be made and GHG-reducing decisions incorporated in DoD construction planning and purchase decisions; and,
  • Reviewing the plans, approaches, and documentation to identify specific metrics and requirements for implementation of specific technology types and solutions to mitigate climate impacts on the DoD. Project team will also review construction and building material solutions and support development of associated technoeconomic analysis.

Technology Description

The team will provide decision support and information tools for assessing the environmental impacts and technical efficiency of emerging technologies. They will focus on assessing new buildings, due to increased data availability and potential targeted focus on specific building materials (e.g., low-carbon concrete or other concrete alternatives). The tools analyze multiple factors, including costs, supply chain climate impacts, carbon (GHG) impacts. The Boundless methodology is based on a rapid LCA approach that quantifies the environmental impact of emerging technologies through Environmental Key Performance Indicators (EKPIs) and compares them to industry peers. The goal is to examine environmental performance as well as relevant financial and environmental/financial hybrid metrics in order to calculate the correlation between environmental performance and commercialization potential. To fulfill this aim, the team will draw on the latest LCA databases, extensive industry research, and a substantial network of independent industry experts who provide another level of validation to their analysis. The team then will calculate the impacts over the entire supply chain and life cycle of projects, products, and technologies. This includes considering the impacts associated with extracting raw materials, transportation, manufacturing, operations, and, where applicable, up until final disposal, recycling, or dismantling.


The following deliverables will provide significant benefit to the DoD and ESTCP, resulting in more rapid and informed decision making, deployment of more environmentally friendly building constructions, and direct progress toward DoD Climate Resilience goals:

  • Summaries of key performance and impact parameters for traditional military installation building materials;
  • Analysis and ‘apples-to-apples’ comparison of multiple materials, with easily digestible graphics for quick technology review and decision making; and,
  • A simplified screening tool that enables site-specific analysis and impact projections.