The objective of this project is to demonstrate the Mobile Remediation System (MRS-1), a two-stage mobile soil treatment unit that utilizes electric induction to desorb per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from impacted soils, followed by thermal oxidation to destroy PFAS in the vapor phase. MRS-1 is designed to rapidly mobilize to impacted sites, and perform destructive PFAS treatment on impacted soils, making the treated material available for reuse. By employing electric induction, MRS-1 uses predominantly grid power to remediate PFAS-impacted soils, thereby increasing reliability, and reducing cost and emissions. While MRS-1 has been proven to effectively remediate soils in two commercial projects, demonstration on a military installation will provide valuable information on its value as an on-site remediation tool for military sites, real-life resource use, operational performance, and cost in this context.
Technology Description
The MRS technology utilizes electric induction to evenly heat a rotary drum, which conductively heats material and desorbs chemicals of concern in the thermal desorption unit. Exhaust is directed to the thermal oxidation unit, where it is elevated to temperatures permitting destruction of PFAS compounds. In this way, PFAS is destroyed on-site, and soil is made available for beneficial reuse. The current manifestation of the MRS technology utilizes a diesel-fired thermal oxidizer, which will be replaced with a thermal plasma torch prior to deployment on this project. This change is expected to remove the requirement to use hydrocarbons in the treatment process and further reduce emissions. The technology has been demonstrated to reduce the concentration of PFAS in impacted soils to levels not detectable by the Department of Defense approved laboratories.
The expected outcome of this study is a full demonstration of the remediation performance of MRS, as well as its operational efficiency, resource use, and cost, in the context of on-site soil treatment at a military installation. MRS-1 destroys the PFAS contained in impacted soils, meaning treated soils are available for reuse, that secondary waste streams are eliminated, and site owner liability is minimized. The small footprint, lack of secondary waste streams, and low air emissions of the MRS streamline permitting and regulatory compliance. The MRS technology is capable of treating a wide range of soils with various PFAS levels, including by other soils impacted by co-occurring chemicals, such as halogenated or non-halogenated organics. (Anticipated Project Completion - 2025)