
Advanced electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensors have demonstrated impressive UXO/clutter classification performance in recent years, particularly as part of ESTCP’s Live Site Demonstration program.  The natural progression from laboratory prototypes to field prototypes to ruggedized commercial units does not happen in a vacuum or overnight. The NRL TEMTADS MP 2x2 Cart is one of the advanced EMI sensors that has shown promise in the field and generated enthusiasm from the industrial community.  As such, this project is designed to provide access to the TEMTADS MP 2x2 Cart to participants in the Live Site Demonstrations and other interested parties. Specific objectives are to:

  1. Construct and maintain several examples of the TEMTADS MP 2x2 Cart system for loan as government furnished equipment (GFE).
  2. Provide training both at NRL facilities and onsite for users.
  3. Provide support to ongoing user efforts, as required.
  4. Evaluate user feedback and the results of ongoing community research for potential improvements, to be implemented as is feasible.

Technology Description

The NRL TEMTADS MP 2x2 Cart is an advanced Time-Domain Electromagnetic (TEM) system that was developed as part of several SERDP- and ESTCP-funded projects. The system is designed to collect data in survey, or dynamic, and static, or cued, mode. Specific consideration was given to the physical and software design to make the system rugged and easy to use in the field.  The system may be deployed in cart, sled, or litter configurations. The data collected by this system are compatible with the advanced classification processing software packages UX-Analyze and UXO-Lab.


This project provides a technology transfer pathway for robust advanced EMI UXO detection and classification technology, developed and demonstrated in the research community, to be available to the government and industrial communities until commercially available units are routinely available. (Anticipated Project Completion - 2016)