The objective of this project is to establish the responsibilities and procedures for the accreditation, control, application, and distribution of a repository of models and data that pertains to munitions response. The repository of models and data will be referred to as the Munitions Response Library (MRL). The MRL will be used as a community standard set of tools for site and resource management. The project team will provide the policy and infrastructure that accredits, maintains, and distributes models and data for utilization by site managers to obtain environmental information needed to make decisions for management of contaminated underwater sites.
Technology Description
The MRL is a repository of models and data to be used for site and resource management in contaminated underwater environments. Regulatory guidelines will accompany each model/dataset that define their application limits and usage. The repository will be established as an online portal that can have both public and private components (e.g., Common Access Card enabled). Models and associated application guidelines will be available to site managers to apply output into operational decision tools as well as to developers to make improvements/changes to a model and validate with a streamlined set of accreditation tests. Most importantly, there will be community accepted procedures in place for the accreditation, control, and application of models and data for site managers to use in operational decision tools.
The establishment of a community standard repository for site management and remediation related models and data will ultimately reduce costs. The project team anticipates that different sites will require different types and amounts of maintenance and remediation; however, the project team expects the internet portal to have resources that will benefit every site manager dealing with underwater contamination of UXO. The project team seeks to enable widespread adoption of the technology by including stakeholders, particularly site managers, during the establishment phase. Without the standardization of models and data, each site manager would be left to execute and defend management and remediation decisions individually without the best practices and acceptance criterion that this effort will provide.
(Anticipated Project Completion - 2025).