Presented November 12, 2015- Presentation Slides
Webinar Topics
Advanced Geophysical Classification Lessons Learned at Former Camp San Luis Obispo by Mr. David Wright
In 2014, CH2M HILL performed a treatability study at the Former Camp San Luis Obispo (SLO) with the objective of evaluating the advanced geophysical classification (AGC) as an effective and efficient treatability option for the site. AGC is a recently developed technology that uses high quality geophysical data collected with a new generation of purpose-built geophysical electromagnetic induction (EMI) metal detectors to make a decision about the likely origin of a geophysical signal (i.e., classify the detected target or ‘source’ as a potential target of interest [TOI] or harmless metal debris [non-TOI]). This classification is based on estimates of physical parameters relating to the size, aspect ratio, rotational symmetry, and wall thickness of the source that are derived from the data using physics-based analysis routines. This technology has the potential to significantly reduce the cost and time frame for remediation of munitions response sites.
The treatability study at SLO provides an example of the efficacy of the technology. Out of over 16,000 detected geophysical anomalies, 750 were ultimately selected for intrusive investigation and a total of 169 TOI were recovered, including one native unexploded ordnance. This presentation will provide insight into the lessons learned from this study.
Risk Reduction Utilizing Advanced Geophysical Classification at Fort Ord, California by Mr. John Jackson
This project was a collaborative effort between ESTCP, USACE and BRAC through an ESTCP demonstration and a BRAC-funded follow-on project to address potential risk from large subsurface munitions in the central impact area at Fort Ord in California. The area had previously undergone a surface clearance and 100% digital geophysical mapping with an EM61. Anomaly densities are high throughout the area, ranging from 1000 to over 4000 anomalies per acre. During the surface clearance, an 8-inch projectile was found which caused concern with USACE safety for the planned subsequent prescribed burn. The burn was canceled until the potential risk could be addressed. This presentation will describe the unique work flow and decision rules that were developed outside of the standard removal action environment to address the potential subsurface hazard through advanced geophysical classification.
Closing Remarks: Munitions Response Land Based Program Closeout by Mr. Doug Maddox
Speaker Biographies

Mr. David Wright is a Senior Munitions Response Geophysicist with CH2M HILL. He has over 25 years experience in airborne, ground, and marine geophysics. Mr. Wright has spent the last 14 years adapting geophysical techniques to the UXO detection/discrimination problem. During this time he played a lead technical role in the development and demonstration of the original Naval Research Laboratory airborne MTADS UXO detection system; developed the first dual mode Mag/EM hand-held sensor; and was instrumental in the design and successful demonstration of the Marine Towed Array (MTA) underwater UXO detection system. The former two projects won project of the year awards for their respective sponsors. Mr. Wright currently is the technical lead for CH2M HILL’s Geophysical Classification technology development and is engaged with ESTCP in the development of formalized quality management procedures for Geophysical Classification. Mr. Wright received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Guelph in 1984.

Mr. John Jackson is a geophysicist working within the USACE South Pacific Division Range Support Center, Sacramento District. Since 2011, he has participated as a USACE demonstrator for multiple ESTCP Advanced Geophysical Classification Demonstrations, including the recent Camp Beale and Camp San Luis Obispo projects. More recently, Mr. Jackson has worked to help develop appropriate QA/QC procedures to be used on all future advanced sensor contracts. In addition to classification, he enjoys working on DC resistivity projects, skiing, and playing ultimate Frisbee. Mr. Jackson completed his B.S. and two years of graduate course work in Geophysical Engineering and Geophysics at the Colorado School of Mines.

Mr. Doug Maddox is the EPA Headquarters Program Manager for munitions cleanup. He has worked for the EPA for 14 years, and a total of 25 years with the Federal government at EPA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Navy. Mr. Maddox has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and an M.S. in Environmental Engineering and is a registered Professional Engineer.