Edge Effects Resource Center
This site offers information and tools to help inform and enable researchers, managers, conservationists, and public policy workers to make better landscape-scale decisions.
Effective Area Model (EAM) is a practical tool that is a plug-in for ArcGIS (9.2 or 9.3). The model takes a map and edge response functions for one or multiple species and extrapolates them over landscapes. The model outputs density grids that can be used for analysis, visualization, or inputs into other spatially-explicit landscape programs (i.e., Hexsim, spatial PVAs, etc.). To support management decisions, the model could be run on current landscapes to look for the best place for action or on multiple "alternative" landscapes and the output compared to help choose or support the best management decisions. Edge response functions coded into the EAM can be based on hypothetical edge functions developed from predictive models or estimated directly from field data.
Realizing the Potential of the Effective Area Model: Refining the Software and Incorporating Recent Advances to Maximize Usefulness on Military Installations
Thomas Sisk, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Northern Arizona University
Thomas Sisk, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Northern Arizona University