Presented on October 5, 2023 | Presentation Slides
“EVI-LOCATE: EVSE Site Design Tool” by Mr. Cabell Hodge (ESTCP Project EW22-7393)
The current Electric Vehicles Supply Equipment (EVSE) site assessment process requires in-person visits with disparate sets of assumptions, approaches and reporting processes. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is developing the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure – Locally Optimized Charging Assessment Tool and Estimator (EVI-LOCATE) in conjunction with GeoDecisions, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other federal partners to standardize and simplify that process. EVI-LOCATE is an EV charging station site design and cost estimation tool developed for users to input information on where they would like to install EV charging stations in relation to existing electrical and surface infrastructure. EVI-LOCATE will also calculate electrical upgrade requirements and calculate costs. This presentation will cover efforts to date to develop EVI-LOCATE.
“Results From Installation NTV Fleet Electrification Tabletop Planning Exercises” by Mr. Frank Holcomb (ESTCP Project EW22-7395)
DoD Installations can be overwhelmed by the collection of EV-related reports, studies, implementing instructions, directives and technologies. The U.S. Army and Navy Installation NTV Fleet Electrification Tabletop Planning Exercise (TTPX) project is a broad strategic planning effort supporting the Tri Service transition to NTV fleet electrification that will go beyond the scope of other EVSE planning studies. This presentation will highlight the following TTPX results which include research areas of interest to DoD and the ESTCP program. First, the TTPX effort will capture the broad spectrum of questions and concerns from multiple DoD installation stakeholders that require further consideration (e.g., impacts to environment, facility mission, base operations and readiness, electricity demand and costs, emergency response, resilience, and security). Second, the TTPX effort will develop and validate a planning framework to supply installation stakeholders with a methodology to conduct coordinated planning exercises for NTV fleet electrification and a metrics-driven strategy to enable forward-looking decision-making. Finally, the TTPX project team will work with all stakeholders to document lessons learned and best practices at the TTPX sites in the context of Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities, and Policy (DOTMLPF), which could inform future strategic decisions, procedures, or policy.
Speaker Biographies

Mr. Cabell Hodge serves as Federal Fleet Project Leader for the NREL’s support for federal fleet electrification in addition to other national and international efforts. He conducts research, develops analyses and authors publications on fleet electrification, electric vehicle supply equipment installation, charging management, vehicle grid integration, battery electric buses, telematics and vehicle cybersecurity. Before joining NREL, Mr. Hodge was a policy advisor at the Colorado Energy Office, where he developed programs and policies to deploy alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure. Mr. Hodge earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Syracuse University, as well as a juris doctoral degree and a Graduate Energy Certificate from the University of Colorado Law School.

Mr. Franklin H. Holcomb is a Senior Researcher in the Energy Branch at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center - Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC-CERL) in Champaign, Illinois. As part of the senior technical staff of the Energy Branch, Mr. Holcomb assists in identifying and cultivating new areas of energy and sustainability research to support Army and DoD requirements. Mr. Holcomb has over 30 years of experience leading energy and sustainability technology projects and programs and has gained worldwide recognition as a technical expert on fuel cells and Army power and energy issues. As Chief of the Energy Branch at ERDC-CERL, he led a world-class team of scientists and engineers conducting research and development to support facility design, installation energy operations and contingency basing energy challenges. As Associate Director of the Center for the Advancement of Sustainability Innovations (CASI), Mr. Holcomb led the management and direction of the Center, which was established to provide ERDC expertise, technologies and partnerships toward helping USACE, the Army and the DoD achieve more sustainable facilities and operations. Mr. Holcomb earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a master’s degree in engineering management at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is currently earning his doctoral degree in civil and environmental engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.