Since the passing of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, DoD has installed thousands of advanced utility meters and each DoD Component has implemented enterprise asset and utility data management systems. The intent of the utility metering sections of EPAct 2005 and EISA 2007 and the pursuant DoD activities is to improve the management of energy and water consumption, resulting in reduced waste and cost to operate our facilities and improved mission assurance. Each Service uses a different system for collecting and managing utility data, but all have encountered challenges with networking thousands of new devices (smart meters) in a reliable, efficient and cost-effective way. Although the cybersecurity approval process has recently become more established and accepted across mission spaces within DoD, there is still room for improvement in the number of installed smart meters and the reliability of the networked data stream.
As more meters come on-line, the available data is becoming a valuable resource that is currently under-utilized. To convert this resource into improved management of energy and water consumption, the data must be translated into information that is accessible, reliable and meaningful at the enterprise and installation levels. While there are examples of effective use of meter data within DoD, it is not widespread and there is great opportunity to expand and improve the use of available data to inform decision-makers and facility managers.
Below is a sample of data management systems, databases and tools currently installed and in use by DoD and the Services as well as recent initiatives related to this topic. This is not a comprehensive list and is intended to provide examples of the types of resources and related activities that proposers should familiarize themselves with as they develop proposals.
Utility Meter Data Management Systems
CIRCUITS: Navy utility meter data management system
MDMS: Army’s meter data management system
AMRS: Air Force’s meter data management system
Asset Management Systems and Databases
iNFADS: Navy’s asset management system
BUILDER™: Army’s sustainment management system also used across DoD
TRIRIGA: Air Force’s asset management system
RPAD: Real Property Asset Database is maintained by OSD and contains data on facilities across DoD. In addition to RPAD each Component maintains databases of real property inventories (RPI) under their control.
Other Data Sources and Programs
eProject Builder: Database of energy savings performance contract (ESPC) project data.