At some point in the future, we can expect to see additive manufacturing on the battlefield. Currently, the Army’s Rapid Equipping Force (REF) has supplied a Stratysys Fortus 250 3D printer to the battlefield in the Expeditionary Laboratory (ExLab), but this equipment is limited to only ABS plastic, whose feedstock is provided by the OEM. Metal additive manufacturing has many challenges currently keeping the technology from the battlefield such as equipment cost, footprint, weight, power needs, transport and storage of metal powders, build volume limitations, and process control. This practice uses jet fuel to ignite and incinerate plastic, paper, and wood materials, and has led to respiratory problems of the warfighters undertaking this effort. 1
The concept of manufacturing with recycled and reclaimed materials in-theater at an FOB has gained traction within the DoD. This idea could revolutionize the way we wage war, in that it could potentially reduce the huge logistics tail needed to conduct wars on foreign soil, saving valuable resources and lives. This research aligns with one of the Army’s “Next Five” S&T (science and technology) Challenges: sustainability/logistics: transport, distribute and dispose”.2,3 It is also consistent with the Army technical gap of having the capability to fabricate needed repair parts from any material at or near the point of need”.
Shrinking the logistics tail is an important benefit of utilizing recycled and reclaimed materials in-theater.4 The 2012 Army Sustainability Report, released 31 October 2012, outlines the Army’s desire to reduce the number of convoys required to resupply troops on the battlefield.5 In addition, the U.S. Air Force Energy Strategic Plan, dated 2013, and the U.S. Navy’s Energy Vision for the 21st Century, dated 2010, both cite goals reducing operational vulnerability and improve effectiveness while reducing its logistical tail. Reducing vulnerable convoys not only saves materiel and lives, but troops assigned to guard these convoys can actually be utilized for their intended purpose—engaging the enemy. The charter to reduce the logistical tail in the combat zone is deemed critical to the success of the overall Army transformation, with relevance to Army future missions.6 All US Military services and their sustainment communities should consider the reduction in the logistics footprint a principal goal. As stated in Ransom’s paper, “Technology will be one of the primary enablers to reduce the logistics footprint, and the reduction of the logistics footprint is clearly a key element of the future battlefield.”7
NASA has also expressed interest in this area. Missions in-theater often encounter unexpected threat challenges such as the need for replacement parts, modifications to existing equipment, or emergency safety equipment. Solutions are often required in a time-sensitive manner. While the DoD uses various methodologies to determine the most important parts to carry, when a unit needs an unavailable part, equipment can sit for weeks waiting for a replacement part. Worse yet, the part may not be available at all, triggering a potentially lengthy acquisition process, resulting in a substantial logistics tail. Further, few manufacturers are interested in producing small batches of specialized military items. The ability to fabricate such items in theater would greatly reduce logical burdens, cost and time delays.
1. Smoke Screen, J. Malcolm Garcia, 15 August 2011, Guernica magazine,
2. Hoffman M. US Army sets S&T priorities. Defense News. 2011 Oct 10; 26(37).
3. The seven problems. Army AL&T Magazine. 2011 Oct 6; p.81.
4. Tan M. US Army outlines push to save resources, lives. Defense News. 2012 November;27(44):14.
5. Dellarocco GJ. Force projection research and development: the key enabler for Army transformation [strategy research project]. [Carlisle Barracks (PA)]: Army War College (US); 2001 Apr 10.
6. Jameson LW. Shrinking the logistics tail in the combat zone [strategy research project]. [Carlisle Barracks (PA)]: Army War College (US); 2002 Apr 9.
7. Ransom DS. Logistics transformation – reducing the logistics footprint. [Research paper]. [Carlisle Barracks (PA)]: Army War College (US); 2002 Apr 5.