Below are instructions for submitting a pre-proposal. Researchers from Federal organizations, universities, and private industry can apply for ESTCP funding. Department of Defense (DoD) organizations should refer to the FY26 DoD instructions, other Federal organizations should refer to the FY26 Federal Outside DoD Instructions, and private industry and universities should refer to the FY26 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Instructions. To view the Broad Agency Announcement, visit the website here. The due date for all pre-proposals is March 6, 2025 by 2:00 p.m. ET.; submittals must follow the directions as described in the instructions.
All pre-proposals must respond to a Topic Area associated with the solicitation; Topic Areas are provided below. Please note the icons on the right of each Topic Area denote the organization type(s) that are eligible to respond to the Topic Area.
ESTCP Director Dr. Kimberly Spangler, Deputy Director Dr. Andrea Leeson, and the ESTCP Program Managers will conduct a webinar on Friday, January 17 from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. ET. for those interested in new ESTCP funding opportunities. During the webinar, the Program Office will answer questions about the funding process, the current ESTCP solicitation, and the proposal submission process. Register for the webinar here.
ESTCP FY26 BAA PreProposal Instructions.pdf
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