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In the underwater environment, conditions interfere with the ability of sensors to detect and characterize UXO, making remediation more difficult. SERDP and ESTCP have funded the development and demonstration of DCL (Detection, Classification and Localization) systems that include acoustic, electromagnetic, magnetic, and optical sensors. After testing these technologies across established demonstration sites, the programs are now transitioning to deploy them at live sites where UXO are believed to be present.
Storm and other wind-generated waves or currents can cause munitions underwater to bury, become unburied, or move into new, potentially dangerous locations. SERDP is supporting research to understand these processes and, ultimately, lead to a simplified model to predict them. Learn More...
In the search for UXOs, a surprisingly large number of objects that can have similar responses. SERDP and ESTCP are funding efforts to improve our ability to distinguish UXO from other objects. Learn More...
Ideally, DCL systems should be tested for all potential geophysical circumstances expected; the reality is that no single location can provide that; hence a (small) number of sites are under development. Learn More...