Demonstrations are sought of innovative building-scale water harvesting and reuse systems to support resilient military installation operations. Of particular interest are integrated technology solutions that include the following capabilities:
- Low-cost and efficient on-site wastewater treatment and reuse technology solutions that can provide safe fit-for-purpose water and reduce the net water demand of the building, to include potable or near-potable reuse systems.
- Low-cost and efficient onsite rainwater, condensate water, or water vapor harvesting systems that can augment or replace existing potable water supplies in conjunction with water reuse frameworks to provide safe drinking water during emergencies while minimizing electrical power demands on the building’s emergency backup power generation system.
- Cost-effective building-scale integration frameworks that minimize requirements for infrastructure modification, consider building code compliance issues, and provide reduced or equivalent health-based risk relative to current building potable water supplies.
- Automated systems that require minimal operational support and monitor/ensure fit-for-purpose water quality standards are continuously maintained.
- Demonstration approaches that facilitate safe validation and progressive implementation of the technologies in concert with local and federal regulations and codes as applicable.
Demonstrations must comply with relevant health and safety regulatory requirements and building codes, and a coordination plan with concurrence from local regulatory and code authorities must be provided with all final proposals.
Overall life cycle costs and benefits of the water systems should be assessed relative to business-as-usual approaches, including impacts of residual stream management, local resource recovery, and operation/maintenance.
Proposed solutions should consider complexities associated with control systems cybersecurity and handling of controlled unclassified information (CUI).
Building scale water resilience solutions will help the DoD ensure a reliable, secure and clean supply of water to support military installation operations.
The DoD has installations in various climates and geographical areas with different topographies. Many of these locations face increasing water stress due to increased frequency of droughts, wildfires, and other natural hazards. The DoD has emphasized the growing importance of water in their efficiency and resilience policies and planning activities.
Allison M. Narizzano, Ph.D.
Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)